Need help with workflows

Hi All,

Im looking for some help, i want to set up the following:

I want my customers to send an email in a specific format to place orders(this email will be monitored on SuiteCRM) When an email is received in the monitored inbox, I want suiteCRM to create a case, and within the case a task needs to be created to create a quote with the variables from the email (products and quantities), the user will then approve the quote and convert it to an invoice at this point a task must be created to send an email with the invoice attached to the user…

Is this possible ?

Thank you

Hey there,

Are you still looking for an answer to this?

You should be able to achieve this, but it might take a bit of setup to get going


(Or, Alternatively, a Logic Hook, if you wish to do this on a Code-level:

Let me know if you need any assistance on anything above!