A little context:
Our small company are trying to move away from using solely email client communication to case based. We have two managers who essentially share one full time job. Since the AOP can not assign according to weekdays or users logged/active I’m unable to activate AOP. But I do have incoming emails auto create cases but we assign them manually for now.
What I am trying to achieve is if any update or change is made to a case, whether its a note added, or a new client email, etc. that all staff or notified, ideally with an email and alert but currently I can’t get either working so I need advice and help please.
If someone can describe the workflow I need to achieve this I would be very grateful.
If you’re using the Assigned To: field, that user should be getting notifications. Is that working?
Then a different problem is if you want to extend that to a second user, someone who is not the Assigned to user. I can think of several ways to try and achieve that, but none would be particularly easy and straight-forward to set up.
I think you would have to use some PHP code to iterate over a group of people and notify them. Or you could stick to the Worklows but simplify it - send just to a specific user, or only for a specific kind of update…
Yes the assigned user is getting an email. If I can do a simpler version in workflow I would be happy with that. Since there are only two managers specific rules is acceptable.
Is it possible to establish rules to email the opposite person when a case is updated?