Need help - cannot create custom module and update SuiteCRM

Hello everyone!

I’m new in SuiteCRM and may be didn’t understand some things.

But now I have two problems:

  1. First of all - when I creating custom module I get the error:
    /…/…/language/application/en_us.lang.php cannot be touched
    and several another files

  2. Next I tried to deploy custom module I get error :
    ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument is not a file or a dir

  3. And last, when I tried to update my Suite I get another error:
    Specified directory ‘’ for zip file ‘upload://’ extraction does not exist.

What’s wrong with my Suite? It’s clear for me that problem must be somewhere in the access to files but where?

It looks like permissions issues,

Set permissions 755 and then perform a quick repair and rebuild.

Then set permissions like:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

This is assuming you are using a Linux server.

andy. thank you for your response!

Operating system on my hosting is UNIX and there is no user www-data, so I cannot run command chown.
I added permissions but unfortunately it’s still not working :frowning: