Need Activities Subpanel for Custom Modules

Hi All,

We have requirement, as we have one Account Module and one Distributor (custom module). For Account module, Activity section is coming as a subpanel under Account where user can create Task, schedule meetings and Send Email, but our requirement is to have a same Activity Subpanel under Distributor module as well.
Both Account and Distributor are 2 different but similar sort of entity for our business, we create Oppty for both.

So can we inject Activity (mandate) and History (optional) subpanel for Distributor as well same as Account.

Many thanks!

The activities and history subpanels work different from the other subpanels. They collect information or interact with multiple modules at the same time.

Here is a sample on how to create custom panels. Hpe it gives you some ideas

Please keep into consideration that it doesn’t support complicated queries.

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Hi AlxGr,

I found another easy way to achieve this, but again got an issue:
As Activity is not a proper module, it is the collection of 3 different modules: Calls, meetings, Emails.
So I tried to create relationship of Distributor (custom module) with them. So I am able to successfully implement Calls, but not Meetings and Emails. It is showing in the relationship section, but it is not coming as a subpanel under Distributor.

Any thoughts, if I can take Meeting and Notes under Distributor.

Many thanks!

You can check admin-> Display Modules and Subpanels to make sure it’s not hidden

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Yes, I got the same little later, yes It was hidden.(apologies for my dumb question)

But again, I got another issue on the same, while going in Meetings/Calls modules, there is RELATED TO field, which picks the details against which we are setting up the meeting, but in that field, custom modules are NOT coming, it is just throwing the Account, Oppty etc system defined modules.

Any thoughts.

Many thanks!

From the SugarCRM CE 6.5 Administration Guide, in the section called “Creating Relationships”, when refferring to custom Modules:

Yes, it worked, thanks a lot for the quick help.

One More Issue: It is related to Dashboard, Actions tab is not coming through which we can Add Dashlets or Add tabs.
I have run the Repair Dashboard as well but no luck.

Any thoughts.