Need a simple report, where to start?

I have a custom module for our school SuiteCRM installation, called “Children”. The module includes “first_name” and “last_name”. I just want to generate a “sign-in sheet” as a word document or pdf that has a title and date at the top, and an alphabetical listing of children in a table:

                Sign-In Sheet for 8/4/2023
Child Name Sign-in Signature Sign-in Time Sign-out Signature Sign-out Time
Allgood, Johnny
Baker, Suzy
Connor, Al

And with pagination, so the header is redrawn when the table overflows to the next page.

What’s my best option? Advanced Reports? MailMerge Reports? I tried MailMerge Reports Pro, but I can’t get a row of tables, I end up with a page for each child, instead of a row for each child. I’ve yet to grok Advanced Reports, will that work?


  • Rick