Navigation Menu is missing after SuiteCRM 8 Migration

Hello There,

After a long try, I am able to migrate my suitecrm application to SuiteCRM-8.2.2. But unfortunately, I don’t see the navigation menu. Also, the notification icon is missing from the top right corner.

Can any help me out what am I missing here?

Could that be just the screen size? I mean, some responsive mobile view kicking in?

Make the window larger if you can, or hit Ctrl-Minus to zoom out, and see if any of that changes. Just as a test.

That will not help. The menu list is missing. Please check the screenshot, the UL element is empty.

That is very strange indeed

What about if you visit the live demo?

Same thing there?

Yes, this SuiteCRM 8 is itself strange. It behaves oddly every time I start to test. Some times api/graphql returns a 403 error. Sometimes switching php 7.4 and PHP 8.0 works. I don’t see any proper documentation as well.

What are the credentials for the demo?

The credentials are
will / will

How this will help me in fixing my issue? I see all the navigation menu in the demo site

It doesn’t help much, it only eliminates a slim chance that it was something peculiar about your browser.

I’m sorry but I can’t help much further, from a distance. I’ve installed quite a few v8’s, and after some initial fights with web root settings, and mod_rewrites, if I follow the installation instructions, it works. It’s not that hard to install.

There must be some bug, or some configuration detail, that is making your experience such a failure. :man_shrugging:

Maybe try a different stack. Ubuntu with regular LAMP stack is probably the most tested.

I am on the LAMP stack. Let me share my debugging output if that will help. Please check the screenshot. If I commented out the below code, I see the “ALL”. Here navigation.groupedTabs is empty. I am not an angular guy, so I could not figure it out. Can you help me? If this is the reason for the missing navigation menu.

if (!ready([navigation.tabs, navigation.modules, navigation.groupedTabs])) {

I am sure it is not the browser.

Sorry, I am not an Angular guy either.

Are you actually rebuilding the front-end after making those changes? I assume you must be, if you’re seeing different behaviors.

I suggest removing the different items one by one to see which one is “not ready” when it should. Again, this is just a further step diagnosing, but I don’t know what to do after you discover, so it might not be worth the effort…

So, try

if (!ready([navigation.tabs, navigation.modules])) {


if (!ready([navigation.tabs, navigation.groupedTabs])) {

then the other one, you get the point

Same problem here but it is a new installation.

Resetting the browser makes it not really better

The only thing which helps is to click there and start your works from new.

I’ve ran into this very same problem but only from a preexisting 7 instance (new 7 instances upgrade to 8 like a charm)
upgrade from 7.13 to 8.3
the commands were executed without error messages.

I think it has something to do with the language files
When going back to the CRM
GlobalLinks are rendered without labels, However without text to fill the a tag they can’t be clicked on.
in fact, most places I look it would seem the labels are very broken.
Leads detail view has only 3 or 4 visible field labels

Did you ever find a solution?

Hi rasal.

No it was a dead end I’m afraid.

I discovered that the update steps failed around the part where it should be installing the portability folder in the “legacy-pre-install” step. I tried to hunt down the causes for it but the command line interface swallows the error message and I couldn’t find a log for it.

There’s something different about the deployment we use “my company” over a brand new one,
I know that we’ve had our CRM for many years and I’ve updated it a few times before testing my 7 to 8 update with it.

I’ve since moved onto other things but when I get the time I can start a test instance from 7.10 and updating up to 7.13.3 then give it another go.

If it fails then the community has something to go on