Navbar menu items get disappear when i install the package?

Hi @pgr

i’m working on package of masquerade. when i install package my functionality works correctly, but navbar menu get disappear, why this happen after installation? when i uninstall the package, navbar menu appeared as default installation of suitecrm 8.

the same package works on 8.7, 8.6, 8.5, 8.4

this is the picture of suitecrm 8.3.1 which i have install.

and php version is 8.2.12

the compatibility matrix of SuiteCRM 8 says that v8.3.x works with php 8.0,7.4

Can you try with a compatible PHP version:

I have install 7.4 also for this issue but the issue is same.

I am giving this suggestion from intuition/experience (I am not sure whether it will help you)

In this file

In The function

public function convert(?string $module, ?string $action, ?string $record, ?array $queryParams): string
        if (empty($module)) {
            // Comment this line below and replace with return '';
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('No module defined');

        $route = $this->buildRoute($module, $action, $record);

        $queryString = $this->buildQueryString($queryParams, ['module', 'action', 'record']);

        if (!empty($queryString)) {
            $queryString = '?' . $queryString;

        return $route . $queryString;

Change the line I am suggesting. It might fix the issue

Look in the suitecrm.log and logs/prod/prod.log

if you still don’t find the issue. It might be a good idea to reach out to the developers of this plugin


Actually, I am the developer of this plugin, but I am unable to debug why this is happening, as my experience is with SuiteCRM 8.

Also, the provided solution is not working yet.

Did you find anything in the logs (suitecrm.log & prod.log)
Also you can change the .env

and in the inspect network tab see which graphql call is failing

yes, i have check the both log files, but there’s not anything about error or exception.
but i have change APP_ENV=prod to qa let see what will happen.

hi, Nothing happen by using code example and after modify the .env variables.

Did you find which graphql call that is failing when you load the page ?

Remember to clear Symfony cache after changing .env

I think this issue occurred due to the deprecation of PHP functions. Because when, I run php bin/console cache:clear i got some deprecation warnings

Try changing the following in php.ini file

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING

dispay_errors = Off