N:M Product Categories

Not sure whether I’m right here - But this is what I’m looking for:

I’d like to have a N:M relation of product categories - How would you build the following product classification in SuiteCRM?

Thanks a lot for your ideas and suggestions

[td]Prod. Cat Level 1[/td]
[td]Prod Cat Level 2[/td]
[td]Prod Cat Level 3[/td]


[td]CAD Workplace[/tr]




You could try this with a couple of Dropdowns with those options. It’s easier if they are fixed content, it becomes harder if they are dynamic (getting names from another module, for example). But still possible.

Another radically different approach would be to look at the TagMe add-on. It’s paid, but not expensive and adds many great possibilities to SuiteCRM categorization.