MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds..

“Need Help”

Using wampstack mysql version 5.7.11 I install fresh suitecrm with sample database, after exporting database through phpmyadmin when I am trying to import it with phpmyadmin below error occurred:

Static analysis:

28 errors were found during analysis.

Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 2317)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 2320)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 2340)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 2343)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 2442)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3592)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3595)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3615)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3618)
Unexpected character. (near "$" at position 3726)
Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 3745)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3750)
Unexpected character. (near "$" at position 3751)
Unexpected character. (near "]" at position 3769)
Unexpected character. (near "$" at position 3777)
Unexpected character. (near "$" at position 3794)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 3810)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 3812)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 3814)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 3816)
Unexpected character. (near "\" at position 3829)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3929)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3932)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3952)
Unexpected character. (near ":" at position 3955)
Unexpected character. (near "$" at position 4069)
15 values were expected, but found 17. (near "(" at position 1943)
15 values were expected, but found 12. (near "(" at position 2938)
SQL query:

INSERT INTO `email_templates` (`id`, `date_entered`, `date_modified`, `modified_user_id`, `created_by`, `published`, `name`, `description`, `subject`, `body`, `body_html`, `deleted`, `assigned_user_id`, `text_only`, `type`) VALUES ('93befe10-93fd-94ca-b28a-57bd553df652', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'System-generated password email', 'This template is used when the System Administrator sends a new password to a user.', 'New account information', '\nHere is your account username and temporary password:\nUsername : $contact_user_user_name\nPassword : $contact_user_user_hash\n\n$config_site_url\n\nAfter you log in using the above password, you may be required to reset the password to one of your own choice.', '<div><table width="550"><tbody><tr><td><p>Here is your account username and temporary password:</p><p>Username : $contact_user_user_name </p><p>Password : $contact_user_user_hash </p><br /><p>$config_site_url</p><br /><p>After you log in using the above password, you may be required to reset the password to one of your own choice.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td></td> </tr></tbody></table></div>', 0, NULL, 0, NULL), ('97940ceb-9989-726b-4844-57bd5550fec7', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Forgot Password email', 'This template is used to send a user a link to click to reset the user\'s account password.', 'Reset your account password', '\nYou recently requested on $contact_user_pwd_last_changed to be able to reset your account password.\n\nClick on the link below to reset your password:\n\n$contact_user_link_guid', '<div><table width="550"><tbody><tr><td><p>You recently requested on $contact_user_pwd_last_changed to be able to reset your account password. </p><p>Click on the link below to reset your password:</p><p> $contact_user_link_guid </p> </td> </tr><tr><td></td> </tr></tbody></table></div>', 0, NULL, 0, NULL), ('e0edcf6f-dde2-4619-0b98-57bd55cd5f02', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Case Closure', 'Template for informing a contact that their case has been closed.', '$acase_name [CASE:$acase_case_number] closed', 'Hi $contact_first_name $contact_last_name,\r\n\r\n	Your case $acase_name (('e53a1412-b44f-1fad-8dfd-57bd55519c53', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Joomla Account Creation', 'Template used when informing a contact that they\'ve been given an account on the joomla portal.', 'Support Portal Account Created', 'Hi $contact_name,\r\n	An account has been created for you at $portal_address.\r\n	You may login using this email address and the password $joomla_pass', '<p>Hi $contact_name,</p>\r\n	<p>An account has been created for you at <a href="$portal_address">$portal_address</a>.</p>\r\n	<p>You may login using this email address and the password $joomla_pass</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL), ('e9eb209d-a1ce-4e05-15f1-57bd55bf2aff', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Case Creation', 'Template to send to a contact when a case is received from them.', '$acase_name [CASE:$acase_case_number]', 'Hi $contact_first_name $contact_last_name,\r\n\r\n	We\'ve received your case $acase_name (# $acase_case_number) on $acase_date_entered\r\n	Status:	$acase_status\r\n	Reference:	$acase_case_number\r\n	Description:	$acase_description', '<p> Hi $contact_first_name $contact_last_name,</p>\r\n	<p>We\'ve received your case $acase_name (('f05b4d2e-cb06-c29e-7d8b-57bd55c27628', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Contact Case Update', 'Template to send to a contact when their case is updated.', '$acase_name update [CASE:$acase_case_number]', 'Hi $user_first_name $user_last_name,\r\n\r\n	You\'ve had an update to your case $acase_name (('ac500085-f87c-bcc9-9227-57bd553d09c4', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'User Case Update', 'Email template to send to a Sugar user when their case is updated.', '$acase_name (# $acase_case_number) update', 'Hi $user_first_name $user_last_name,\r\n\r\n You\'ve had an update to your case $acase_name (('2246dfb9-7e70-a534-14e3-57bd55a43aee', '2013-05-24 14:31:45', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '1', '1', 'off', 'Event Invite Template', 'Default event invite template.', 'You have been invited to $fp_events_name', 'Dear $contact_name,\r\nYou have been invited to $fp_events_name on $fp_events_date_start to $fp_events_date_end\r\n$fp_events_description\r\nYours Sincerely,\r\n', '\r\n<p>Dear $contact_name,</p>\r\n<p>You have been invited to $fp_events_name on $fp_events_date_start to $fp_events_date_end</p>\r\n<p>$fp_events_description</p>\r\n<p>If you would like to accept this invititation please click accept.</p>\r\n<p> $fp_events_link or $fp_events_link_declined</p>\r\n<p>Yours Sincerely,</p>\r\n', 0, NULL, NULL, 'email')

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'e53a1412-b44f-1fad-8dfd-57bd55519c53', '2016-08-24 08:07:00', '2016-08-24 08:07:' at line 4
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