Multiple errors in console

Thinking that ‘upgrading’ to 8.2 might solve some of the difficulties I was having, I find myself struggling even more to tame this beast!

My installation is on a hosted server. V8.1.3 seemed to running reasonably ok but after going through the recommended upgrade to 8.2, things have started to become troublesome.

My customised address with ‘Suburb’ and rearranged order, no longer seems to work, I can’t get Google Calendar to Authorise any more etc etc

Anyway, I think the first problem I need to tackle is the issue of my installation logging me out at various times due to errors of various types. I’m hoping that with help I can get 8.2 tamed to a point of useability.

The following from my console output shows 2 errors. The 404 error and the other one.
Can anyone tell me what causes these errors and how to fix them?

Please help my sanity! :crazy_face:


Hi @TerryL,

Sorry to see you having issues after the upgrade. We’ve got a fix for Google Authentication coming soon with the next release and we’re working hard on fixing a good number of other issues.

As for the specifics, the 404 indicates that pathing is incorrect somewhere within the CRM. The few places to check are the following;

  • public/legacy/config.php >>> site_url >>> Should be the URL used to access SuiteCRM 8 (https://crm.mycompany/)
  • Run a Rebuild .htaccess from the Repair and Rebuild menu and check the values in public/legacy/.htaccess >>> Line 22 >>> Should be a logical path like legacy/ or public/legacy/
  • Check Apache2 Doc Route is pointing correctly to your public folder.

If none of the following appears strange then likely this is a bug somewhere in the code handling redirects from SuiteCRM 8 to legacy SuiteCRM 7. In this case, could you provide more information on what you were doing when it was seen, what errors it causes, and if anything appears to have not loaded on your page?

This information would be super handy if you’d want to raise a GitHub issue (where our bugs live till we squash emm) if none have already been raised there. If you need any help with this process please let me know!

Thanks for helping keep Suite bug free :tada:

Thanks Mac-Rae for your prompt reply, it’s sincerely appreciated. I’ll check all your suggestions first thing in the morning.

Hi Mac-Rae, firstly please forgive me if I don’t understand some aspects, I am not an IT Pro.

My installation, which is on a hosted server with cpanel and WHM, is in a sub-directory of my domain. To login I need to enter my_domain/crm/public.

I have not made any changes in regard to ‘vhost’ because this is something that eludes me no matter how much I have tried to understand this. From what I understand there should be a suitecrm.conf file but I cannot find one. Any direction here would be appreciated.

  • I have altered the site_url to https://my_domain/crm/public/legacy (previously just https://my_domain/crm)
    This seems to have fixed some of the 404 errors I had.

  • I ran rebuild of .htaccess and corrected .htaccess . I had done this prior, so this probably has not changed anything.

  • I’m not sure what you mean by or how to check Apache2 Doc Route. As I am on a hosted site, can I do this? I have searched for info on this but cannot find an answer that makes sense to me.

In terms of when errors occur, well I cannot easily pinpoint any specific place. They are all over the place!
For example, the following is after I type in a name (smith) in the global search box (top left). The first 2 errors occurred. Then If I click on contacts (top main menu) the 3rd error occurs. Click on Accounts (top main menu) 4th error occurs etc etc.

Then on logout;

I could go on but I think you see my problem. Is there anything obvious here?

I understand that V8.2 will have bugs. I accept that of course. But I am desperate to get this running to a degree where I can confidently use it without it haemorrhaging due to errors which may be just installation errors. Obvious bugs I am more than happy to report on GitHub to improve SuiteCRM for all.

Many thanks Terry