Multiple deployments from one code base

Hi All

I’ve deployed one instance of the CRM for a brand and have another one coming on board. We want to avoid having to maintain difference code repositories for the two brand and manage the customization through configurable options via the administration area. These two instances would have things in common and things that aren’t so I’m trying to gauge if this is possible and with reasonable effort for what we are trying to achieve.

Having done some customization already and realizing how difficult it can be I’m starting to think trying to be able to version the two brands / installs under one code base is not practical.

Any feedback on this idea would be much appreciated. Many thanks.

SuiteCRM is not multi-tenant - but you can separate the business logic, views, access to modules using Roles and SecuritySuite - what you can’t do is administer as separate users.

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I’ve almost forgotten about the user data. There must be a strategy / way to manage this. What I’m trying to gauge is whether it is possible or even worth the effort.

One example I’d like to run though is the use of the studio to manage modules and fields, views, relationships (I’m starting to see how complex it will be already). If we are trying to allow more then one brand to use the same code base but different user data would this most likely involve extending the core with out modifying it in an upgrade safe manner or would modifying the core be required?

Hi Sone,

You can do following to test.

You can groups users into a team ( a group) brand wise via security suites.
You can assign role to a team. Role gives permission to users for modules.

This is how you can limit access ( list, add, edit, import, export, mass update ) of particular modules to particular group of users.
Relationship will follow role.

Based on above access control structure you can separate business logic. You can create a strategy to customize your code as per requirements.

For any support, you can contact me.

Alpesh Savaliya