Multiple calander event categories

Any one knows if this is possible?

A little background on what my business does to make it easier to understand what i needā€¦ Security companies contract us to do their system installations and repairs, currently we are working with 3 different companies (ADT, Monitronics and Guardian Protection).

I need something where i can schedule a task/event and give it a category such as ā€œGuardian Installationā€ or ā€œMonitronics Serviceā€ in a manner that it displays on calendar as such. so that my techs know what kind of job it is just by a glance at their calendar.

We currently use WebCalander and every category has its own icon next to the event in the calendar

thank you

You can do this with code customisations but it is not possible to modify calendar from the UI to achieve your requirement.



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