Mozaik Documentation?

Is there such a thing as documentation for Mozaic editor? Is this like a plugin of another opens source project (like Smarty, PDF creator, etc.) or is this a unique SuiteCRM plugin? I’ve struggled with it for years and somehow always found a workaround. However, I’d like to finally get to the bottom of some of the issues and if it is indeed part of another open source that has documentation that would be super helpful.

The current thing that drives me nuts is you can only add two or three sections then it becomes full width and there’s no way (that I know) to fix it. I have to contain everything in the two or three sections that are 600 width.

Is there some setting I’m missing? (yes I have the width set to 600)


But, try to send email or download PDF.

Maybe it is just UI issue.

Ok I solved this particular problem. However, would love if there was some technical docs or instructions on this thing!

How did you solved it? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

see above screen shot

This should help:

Thanks @chris001 that helps. Its a shame SuiteCRM doesn’t use something like grape.js. Mautic has integrated this for email templates and its awesome.

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It’s a good suggestion to add GrapesJS: grapesjs - npm

The GrapesJS newsletter editor demo looks good.

It really is a pretty great solution. There is a bit a of a learning curve, but once you get used to it, you can make simple emails or really complex mobilie responisve emails. Plus, it has preview mode where you can click between the different screen sizes and it renders it live and you can make drag and drop adjustments for specific screen sizes. The advantage for SuiteCRM is it’s a really great feature that for the most part someone else maintains. Mautic has kind of gone with this concept throughout. I think it allows them to have a modern feature rich application that is a conglomeraton of other open source projects. The downside is lack of control and direction of the various components I guess, but I know Sales Agility struggles with the upkeep, this kind of a phylosophy could help keep SuiteCRM moving forward and minimize maintenance and development.

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Sounds like a nice email template editor to suggest to add to the next version. Or if you or anyone can, come up with a PR and submit it.

An issue I’ve seen with Mozaik, email templates in versions 7.12.x compared to a 7.10.x version. When uploading an image, it cannot be selected locally. In other words, in 7.12.x, there isn’t even a button to upload the file locally. In 7.10.x, there is.
What is the cause of this and how can it be fixed?

version 7.10.x:

version 7.12.x:

No idea, I don’t see upload button in v7.13 too :neutral_face:

This is a good reference to fix this problem

but the hard part is understanding where SuiteCRM is setting up the TinyMCE settings currently used. (Mozaik is just a differently-configured TinyMCE).

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I just assumed that feature was removed on purpose. Ive been uploading the files manually for years!

It seems that this is because Tiny Technologies now requires a paid license, or am I misunderstanding?
I can see the message in the browser console:

How is the image plugin now paid?

Also, I’ve been going through quite a few files throughout the system and came across this, and it’s the only thing I notice that’s different from one version to another.


But for now this is just a research hint, there must be some way to change this back to the version it was before, as it is in 7.10.x.

I just found where to change the text editor settings, but it’s something that the address is in Mozaik anyway. :man_facepalming:

In user editing, first tab:


I don’t think ‘image’ plugin is the same as ‘imagetools’ plugin.

We use the correct plugin, we just need further configs. If I am not mistaken.

A simple way to test this is to add the JS in the browser and see if it behaves properly. Then we can figure out how to get the back-end to send that same config.

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