Modules under the Detail views have vanished after update

We have just updated from 7.11 to 7.14, and the Modules under the detail view have vanished.

Before, I would look in the Account List and select one Account, which would open the Account Deait view. Under the Account, I would have several Modules displayed, such as Contacts & Quotes, which is not showing for me any more.

Can someone help me out and tell me how to get them back, please?


It could be permission and ownership problem:

Set the following permissions on the SuiteCRM directory(Linux):

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Check section ‘copying_suitecrm_files_to_web_server’

Same issue. chmod not solve this

Edit the 2 lines of code referred to here, and see if it fixes your issue with the subpanels not showing up:

this not help in my situation

The issue I have found is that Version 7.14.1 is work without any issues with PHP 7.4 but when I switch to PHP 8.1 or 8.2 I can see the Account view listin but when I make a selection to go to the detail view its blank page.

I have done a repair but on change.

Any thoughts on what to try please.
