ModuleBuilder deployement broken after upgrade


I recently upgrade my SuiteCRM to 7.5.4. And now I can’t deploy custom module I created before the upgrade. Here are the errors I encountered:

Warning: Missing argument 2 for UndeployedRelationships::build(), called in C:\wamp\www\tecnarsuite\modules\ModuleBuilder\MB\MBModule.php on line 429 and defined in C:\wamp\www\tecnarsuite\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php on line 228

Warning: Missing argument 3 for UndeployedRelationships::build(), called in C:\wamp\www\tecnarsuite\modules\ModuleBuilder\MB\MBModule.php on line 429 and defined in C:\wamp\www\tecnarsuite\modules\ModuleBuilder\parsers\relationships\UndeployedRelationships.php on line 228

Fatal error: Call to undefined method invte_bomitem_sugar::invte_bomitem_sugar() in C:\wamp\www\tecnarsuite\modules\invte_bomitem\invte_bomitem.php on line 44

Any ideas of what could be the problem? The last error looks like the custom module class file was deleted by accident.

Any help would really be appreciated.


you’re not following the best practices of building modules with SugarcCRM/SuiteCRM, please read the above guide, it will help you for developing in SuiteCRM. You shouldn’t add relationships in the module builder, you shouldn’t re deploy a previous deployed module, what I always do is to publish a builded module and install it like a normal addon.

best regards


Thanks for your reply. I read the documentation you sent me.

If I don’t add relationships in ModuleBuilder, where sould I? In Studio? We are doing relationships by hand in custom/Extension since it allows us to save the relation under source control, and also have true one-to-many relationships instead of fakes one using a pivot table like ModuleBuilder create.

Also, using Studio after deploying a module is absolutely worthless. Studio saves it’s settings in the database, so it’s not usable for source control.

I’ll check if the module loader is working correctly for me.

Thanks for your help!

I had the same error but for me the fix was to after uploading my custom module i had to add just one relationship via Studio in order to get rid of the error. In Module Builder i did not have any relationships when publishing.