module pdf


I want to say how fontionne the module PDF in suiteCRM .It is urgent

thanks. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


I know English is not your first language but could you please try to explain what you would like to do?

What do you mean “fontionne” ?

DCpaus fontionne means run .sorry


I want to know how to activate the module in pdf suitecrm . :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


Hi Guys

As I am not sure exactly what you want to do I will explain my setup to you.
I am running v7.2 and I use the “Print to PDF” function from my Quotes module.

Step 1
Admin -> Display Modules and SubPanels and check that you have PDF Templates selected to Display

Step 2
Go To PDF Templates (mine is available under the ALL option in the Top Menu

Step 3
Click Create

Step 4
Enter a name for your template
Select a Module that you want your template to be run from “Insert Fields”
Ensure that the Active checkbox is ticked
Then on the right hand side there is an option called “Load Sample” - here you can select what kind of sample template to load

You can then edit the template using WYSIWIG or HTML
You can add fields from different modules using the “Insert Field” option

Hopefully this is wat you need.

Hi DCPaus

yes your are understand my question I try your proposition.

thanks !!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@@@@ DCPaus

The problem is resolved :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: .

But I have a new question how i can do the programmation in the hooks files.Because I don’t understand the language but i have some notions in php language.

help me please . :huh:


What do want to do?

i am not an expert on Logic Hooks but I wanted to create a Duplicate warning and I used this link - and using this method I learnt how to program Logic Hooks.

Since using this method I have written a few Logic Hooks - so even if you do not want a Duplicate Warning system, you should try this as it will help you to create simple Logic Hooks.

If you can tell me exactly what kind of Logic Hook you want to write maybe I can help.

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I have to correct a code that I comprend.Un simple example I do not understand the role of bean $ , $ event , $ argument … thanks :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
because the code is very difficult for me .
