Module export is working perfectly but generated report for module and export then Wrong Characters displayed

Module export is working perfectly but generated report for module and export then Wrong Characters displayed.

I am using the Hebrew Language.
I have Created One Contact and created a report for the Contact module.
So when I am export data using the Report module then Characters will be changed and If the Same record export from Module then generated CSV is correct.

Module: Contact
FirstName: יוסף אסף
Last name: סמורז’יק

When Export from Report then the Last name exported "סמורז’יק ". Here character converted in “’”.
We are using UTF-8 format but for the issue, I have checked with Other Characters Set but the issue is not resolved.

Please help me.
Thank you in advance.

Hi there,

I’ve had a quick try myself using the hebrew language pack, and I’m unable to replicate

What version of SuiteCRM are you using by chance?
I am on 7.11.15 and it seems to export the Report’s results correctly, even in hebrew:

Also, what program are you using to view the exported csv?
(ie: Excel / Libreoffice calc)

I’ve found a thread on the MS support forums in which users have discussed issues with excel opening hebrew characters:

You could also open the .csv file in a text editor, such as notepad, and see if the data looks okay in that program
(To rule out if the export caused the issue, or the program used to open the file)

Hi @John,
Thank you for your reply.

Maybe the SuiteCRM version issue because my CRM version is 7.10.11.

Otherwise, I have tried Excel and LibreOffice both and checked CSV file in simple text editor but generated file display wrong character.

I have debugged some code in Report so up to convert in CSV Texts are OK when converting into CSV at that time Characters will be changed.

I will upgrade the version and check.