Module Builder training and example modules

Good morning everyone:

My company is going to start using Suite CRM and I wanted to learn about the module builder. Are there any resources you can point to that will allow me to learn how to build modules for my CRM?

I am especially interested in doing the following:

  1. Taking numbers (phone calls) from suite crm and loading them as leads to a vicidial dialer automatically.
  2. Taking calls dispositioned on Vicidial and updating the crm automatically
  3. Is there a web phone add-on that you can use to make phone calls via the crm?

Thanks in advance for any and all help on this!

This Module Builder Documentation should apply almost directly:

The other things you ask aren’t really meant to be made with Module Builder, you should be looking for phone integration add ons here

Or you would need to build your own customizations. Tell me if you want professional services for creating a solution tailored to your needs.

Thank you pgr!

The documentation link seems discontinued, the current one is

I wonder to what extent this documentation applies to SuiteCRM…


I don’t advise following Docs for newer versions of SugarCRM after 6.5.

They moved their Documentation, but it’s still available from a different place:

Thanks for bringing this up :+1:

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