Module Builder Not Saving Fields

Iā€™m having the exact same problem. My permissions are set as suggested, my php error report is: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT. This is on Ubuntu 14.04 w/ php5.5


the problem is not permission related but has to do with the Zend op-cache.

When saving a field, SuiteCRM saves the vardef info to file en then rereads this PHP data. The Zend op-cache however supplies the cached version of the file instead of the newly written version.

See this PHP bug:
And especially the last comment on this page.

I fixed this issue with this commit:

You can fix this by pulling the diff from github or by editing the file:


around line 133 (function write_array_to_file) replace

    return sugar_file_put_contents($the_file, $the_string, LOCK_EX) !== false;


    $result = sugar_file_put_contents($the_file, $the_string, LOCK_EX) !== false;

    if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
        opcache_invalidate($the_file, true);

    return $result;

This solved my problem. Thank you for the patch!


This did the trick.

Hey guys, one question regarding this topic:

I see that this workaround solves the issue very nice on the module builder, but not on the studio for the modules already deployed on the system. Relations and fields management works really unstable on the studio actually.
I donā€™t know the code yet but doing a little research i found that there is a similar file to the file_utils.php which is called sugar_file_utils.php.
I saw on this file that there is the same function called sugar_file_put_contents, my question is if we should apply the same workaround on this file too.

I was wondering to apply something like that on the file_utils.php ( again, i donā€™t know the code yet and this come from the common sense ). By the way the sugar_file_utils.php is required_once on the file_utils.php , but anyway iā€™m suspecting that for the studio the application might call directly the sugar_file_utils.php instead of the file_utils.php.

What do you think?

Hope it helps


Hi, youā€™re absolutely right that this issue manifests itself in more places, like

  • editing dropdowns
  • editing layouts
  • installing modules (SQL not executed)

Adding the fix the the method you proposed would alleviate some of these issues. However, from an architecture viewpoint, the fix should be implemented in SugarCache::cleanFile (include/SugarCache/SugarCache.php), where there is already a fix for APC caching.

SugarCache however should not be called in file_utils.php, because thatā€™s too low level, instead it should be called in those classes that write vardef data (and subsequently call ā€œwrite_array_to_fileā€ or ā€œsugar_file_put_contentsā€ )

I havenā€™t got to this yet.

Great ! I seeā€¦ well i need get involved more with the code! Iā€™m glad to help


Thanks for the fix @jansiero ! ItĀ“s 2021 and apparently this still hasnĀ“t been implemented/fixed by defaultā€¦ :thinking:


As a variant you can switch off cache for PHP.
Set opcache.enable=0 in php.ini
I hope that it will help you.

Thanks for your reply ā€“ I realized that the issue would probably persist throughout other modules, so IĀ“ve turned off the cache. ItĀ“s a shame though, as the cache does improve performance.


The problem present in some functions of ModuleBuilder and Studio only. You can switch off it on test server and switch on on production server.

Hi @rmint,

This has been fixed since 7.11.19 / 7.10.30

What version are you on?

@jansiero : ThatĀ“s weired, as my version is 7.11.20ā€¦I might have updated though, so maybe it wasnĀ“t included there? As this is a development instance only, I could try a fresh installā€¦

Hi @rmint,

Update should definitely have fixed this issue. Can you describe the exact steps to reproduce?

@jansiero and @rmint

The upgrade can not fixed this issue because there is main problem in file structure of SuiteCRM has . Some files is reading several times for one script cycle.

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@p.konetskiy can you give an example of this file structure issue?

Please. One of place is the file: custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php
I discovered that when I was making the decision: (Solution for support three new fields types in Studio)

@p.konetskiy, the tabledictionary contains references to metadata which describe relations between modules. This tabledirectory should not affect normal fields (maybe however relate fields) as this field information are not saved in the tabledictionary.

The extra database repair and rebuild that you included in your module post_install.php should not be necessary anymore in 7.11.19 / 7.10.30 and later, but Iā€™ll try it out to make sure.


I wrote the file for exmple only. I saw the problem for the fields too but it wasnā€™t so critical for me. Perhapts you fixed it for fields but for relationships this is present yet.

Look at my method buildNewRelationship in file: custom/modules/DynamicFields/ConfigCollection.php
and analyze system

  1. method load in file:
  2. method install_relationships in file:

The problem in next situation.

  1. SuiteCRM read the file for analyze current relationships.
  2. When the new relationship build the file is rebuilded from files of directiory (custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary).
  3. The last step is creaing new table in database but the file has been loaded into the memory alrady and after that the new table isā€™t created.

Hi @rmint,

I checked the upgrade packages to version 7.11.20: the required changes are in there, so a fresh install wonā€™t help you.

Iā€™m puzzled why this issue still emerges on your installation with version 7.11.20.

Can you confirm again that when you disable opcache on SuiteCRM 7.11.20 the saving fields problem is solved and when you enable it, the saving fields problem emerges again?

Can you also give the specs of your PHP version? (output of phpinfo() would be helpful)