Module and customization migration from DEV to PROD - what's the right order?


We encounter problems with moving one of our custom modules to production (SuiteCRM 7.7.4)

Iā€™ve made module export file (Admin > Module Builder -> Publish), then exported studio customizations (Admin > Studio -> Export Customizations)

Then Iā€™ve imported and installed module file, then customization.

All was according to

Now I can see our module in menu, but, if i click on it, it appears to be only with basic fields, no customizations.

Iā€™ve tried to make a Quick Repair then. It was finished succesfully, but after that, when I try to call our module from menu, Iā€™m getting an error.

[Mon Oct 30 16:12:01.676713 2017] [:error] [pid 3183] [client] PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: [in cache/themes/SuiteR/modules/clm_claims/SearchForm_basic.tpl line 105]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: $fieldsā€¦name (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446) in /var/www/crm/include/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1094, referer:

What Iā€™ve done wrong? Where to look to fix this error?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Thanx in advance

That double dot in ā€œ$fieldsā€¦nameā€ is, I believe, and old bug. It is already solved, but youā€™re running an old version.

There was a similar case here:

In another place someone says this

So the first thing to check is how your custom fields appear in the table fields_meta_data in the old server, and transfer that to the new one.

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Thanx for reply!

Iā€™ve seen that topic already and checked field_meta_data table. It seems, however, that there are no differences between our old and new instances there for my moduleā€¦

When you do the Quick Repair and Rebuild, if you scroll down to the bottom of the screen, do you get a button to sync database with vardefs? If so, press it.

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Tried it, unfortunetely, no button :frowning:

Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m running out of obvious fixes.

Maybe this can help if you really need to go into full debugging modeā€¦