Modifying action buttons on subpanels


I wanted to stop people from using the quick-create form on Accounts so I followed these instructions and created a file called custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Layoutdefs/fullFormCreateContacts.php and everything worked fine.

However, I also wanted to REMOVE the “create” button under the Opportunities subpanel of Accounts so I created a file called hideCreateOpportunities.php with the following code:

$layout_defs["Accounts"]["subpanel_setup"]["opportunities"]["top_buttons"] = array(
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate',

But this has had no affect even after repair/rebuild. What have I done wrong?
Any help most appreciated.

Your code adds the quick create button.

If you want to remove it you have to define just the widgets you want.

for example:

$layout_defs["Accounts"]["subpanel_setup"]["opportunities"]["top_buttons"] = array(
                                array (
                                array (

With the above example you are defining Top Create and Top Select buttons but not Quick Create