mobile login not working - android mobile and opera browser


I am trying to login SuiteCRM instance from my android mobile and opera browser.

When I enter user-name and password nothing happen.

No error message and not able to login inside crm.

Any idea about this issue?

Best Regards,

Tell us something about your system? Which OS your server is running in? PHP and SuiteCRM versions?

You probably have an error in suitecrm.log or in php_errors.log

You probably need to clear your PHP session files…


I am using centos on hostgator web hosting + PHP Version 5.6.30 + SuiteCRM Version 7.9.5

To check issue from your end on android mobile and opera or chrome or firefox browsers

URL =>

Username : admin
Password : admin@123

I hope this information help.

Best Regards,

I tried it on Android Firefox and it worked fine.

Try clearing browser cache, perhaps?

Yes. I think I have issue with opera browser. I checked in another browser on my android mobile and it works.

Best Regards,