Missing database configuration on legacy config" During SuiteCRM 8 Migration

I’m trying to migrate from SuiteCRM 7.14.6 to SuiteCRM 8.7.0 on my local WAMP setup. However, when I run the command:

php bin/console suitecrm:app:setup-legacy-migration

I get the following error:
“Missing database configuration on legacy config”

Here’s a screenshot of the error:

I have copied my SuiteCRM 7 instance to public/legacy, but I’m not sure what is missing in the database configuration.

I am trying to upgrade from 7.14.6 to 8.8.0 actually

I am still facing this issue:

Check your database connection.

config.php file for database settings.

The issue has been resolved.

To troubleshoot, I first installed a fresh instance of SuiteCRM 8 and realized that the database host requires a password. So, I created a new database user, assigned a database to it, and used those credentials during installation. That worked.

Then, I updated my existing dbconfig with the new host and database credentials, and that solved the issue.

Although my previous database connection was working, the host’s password wasn’t set, which might have been causing the problem.

Awesome! :partying_face: please share your experience about v8.8 soon :face_with_peeking_eye:

Sure! :blush: I’ll explore v8.8 further and share my experience soon. Excited to see what’s new!