Migration from SugarCRM Version 6.5.10 (Build 8716) to SuiteCRM using SugarCE Migration 6.5.x to SuiteCRM 7.1.3

I have upgraded to SuiteCRM on a test machine from sugar CRM 6.5.10 and I am unable to see all the extra suite CRM modules in the nav bar. I have reset all the user preferences, rebuilt the cache and done a quick repair and rebuild. The options show in the Display Modules and Subpanels but do not show in the main nav bar. Any ideas?

Hi Dave,

Can you provide a print screen of your navigation?



Thanks for replying so fast. Please see attached.

Hi Dave,

No problem. Are all of the modules enabled in display modules and subpanels? Have you run a rebuild relationships in Admin -> Repair?

Also clearing cache and logging in/out to ensure.



Screen shot of the menu editor

I have removed all the cache and run the quick repair and rebuild. I have just done the repair relationships and its not changed anything.