Migration from 7.12.7 to 8.5.1 (SQL scripts for upgradit database schema)


I need to update database schema from 7.12.7 to 8.5.1 (or 8.6). But I cannot find SQL scripts in upgrade packages. Are these scripts available somewhere for download? :wink:

You could upgrade your database version as per compatibility matrix separately on your host server.

@rsp he’s not asking about upgrading MySQL, but about upgrading SuiteCRM in what pertains to the database schema (the structure of tables etc).

@davijana why would you want to do that instead of using the upgrade script itself? It’s a quite complex upgrade, I don’t think you should attempt to do it “manually” unless you really know what you’re doing.

You are right, I don’t need to update MySQL (based on compatilibity matrix) … I need to update database schema. Usually the update package contains SQL scripts which are responsible for this part of SuiteCRM update. But I can’t find these SQL scripts in update packages :frowning:

I understand, that the upgrade is a quite complex process. But I need to separate SQL update from this whole process and do it separately.

Hey @davijana

Have you gone through the steps in SuiteDocs - SuiteCRM 7.12.x+ migration to SuiteCRM 8.x?

On those, on step SuiteDocs - 2.6. Run the post upgrade command it tells you to run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade-finalize -t "<version>" which also runs migrations… (like @pgr pointed out) which I assume that do the needed updates, other than the ones done by a Quick Repair and Rebuild.

This thread might also help: