MIgrating data from old Suite CRM to new one. to new

I have a new install of Suite CRM. I want to move all most data(leads, contacts, accounts, note,s meetings, calls, etc…

Is there a general go to guide?

Or, can anyone lay out the basic steps to achieve this?


The TL;DR version is here:

A couple of things written there, that I want to emphasize:

  • do not attempt database migration across different SuiteCRM versions (if you’re migrating, you’re not upgrading; if you’re upgrading, you’re not migrating)

  • the database migration itself is easier than most people think. Look for MySQL tutorials mentioning mysqldump


I am looking to do a migration, not an upgrade. I do not understand how this tutorial will help .e

I also forgot to mention that I am going from v7.11.18 TO v7.12.2

Is there a way to export the leads, accounts and contacts? How abour calls, and other activities, so that they will be linked to the lead. contact and account?


Chapters 2.2 and 2.3 are what you need. They’re pretty simple but it’s what you should need.

Doing a full database migration will save you the hassle of working out all the relationship tables - and that can be a lot of work.

Of course you can do a migration based on module-level exports and imports, but that will likely prove troublesome and problematic in many ways.

Only start this part after you have a working migrated server. Remember to have a look at the [Compatibility Matrix](I also forgot to mention that I am going from v7.11.18 TO v7.12.2) to make sure your versions (PHP, database, etc) are compatible with both those SuiteCRM versions.

Im still on7.10.6 (has been very stable) . Now that I have a test dev (to test new addons etc), I am attempting upgrade. My last upgrade did not complete the full process sadly. It stalled and would not finalize - result the admin section was blank. Deleted the dev and Starting over. (On the upside - I am getting practice on setting up dev instances in CPanel - :astonished: ).

I was trying to go from 7.10.6 to 7.12 ESR. Maybe a bad move. I found this archive of what I think are incremental upgrade options.

So many options :face_with_raised_eyebrow: