Migrate from SugarCE 6.5.* to SuiteCRM last version via silent upgrade

I’m trying to migrate a SugarCE 6.5.* to SuiteCRM 7.2.
I followed the update guide but I’m stuck with Upgrade Wizard, it finishes with an error 500 after 10 minutes run (upgrade log below).

I tried to upgrade via the Silent Upgrade, the process went smoothly but it appears that files was not copied. For Instance I don’t see the SuiteCRM Theme and other modules not seems to properly upgraded even after a quick repair.

I’m wondering if there is any way to use the silent upgrade to migrate? I think it’s an important point when you want to adopt suitecrm as usually a production version has a lot of data.

Waiting a silent upgrade is possible:
could you tell me if

  • there is any way to disable the permission check during the system check. i set all my files and folers temporarly to 777 to avoid any permissions probems
  • If I decide to install a fresh suitecrm install, then migrate database data, where can I find the tables (structure) that was changed between sugarcrm ce 6.5.2 and suitecrm 7.2.
    More particularly
  • Leads tables/ Contacts/ Documents/Emails tables…

Thx by advance

You forgot to post your upgradeWizard.log file !