Meeting Module In Editview Add Invitees and scheduling panel Not appearing


I am experiencing an issue in EdiView of meeting, I am not able to see Add Invitees and scheduling panel in meetings Editview. But same is appearing in Calls EditView.

Below is the js error in console in EditView

document.forms[form_name].duration_minutes is undefined

Also while saving meeting it is redirecting to And throwing below fatal error:

Call to a member function ACLAccess() on null in /var/www/html/SugarCE/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php on line 540, referer:

Any extra js is required for this? I have set proper permission to the suitecrm application as well.

Version 7.1.8
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Go to Admin > Studio > Meetings
Remove Duration label, and recreate new one. click on Save and deploy
Invitee panel are displayed now

For bad migration from SugarCRM, check by removing custom Module files in ./custom/modules/ folder.