Mautic: LINK to generate access tokens in suiteCRM

Hi, I have tried generate token from the “SET CONNECTOR PROPERTIES”. I have also add a API Credentials from mautic and set the Client/Consumer Key and Client/Consumer Secret in the suiteCRM, now I am getting the following error **EVERY **time I click on the Link field

The requested URL /mautic1/oauth/v2/authorize was not found on this server.

The URL generated via the link in my SuiteCRM Connector settings is


Each time I have attempted to generate the token I have deleted the app/cache/prod folder. I have checked the API Credentials and API Settings in Mautic. I have checked the Consumer Key and Secret are correct

Does this module work with SuiteCRM as it’s based on the Sugar 6 version?

Thanks for your time and patience and any assistance you can give me

Have you seen the Documentation?

Have you browsed through our big all-things-Mautic Forutm thread?

As you can tell by now, I don’t know the answer to your question, but I am trying to help anyway… :slight_smile: