Mass update custom (text or others( fields

I took inspiration from this tutorial to successfully add some fields to the mass update for a custom module.

However I am noting that, if I enable text fields, for example, only those created in the original module are taken into consideration and not those that have β€œ_c” in their name, added later by studio.

Can this be resolved?

Thanks so much for any suggestions.

Very interesting tutorial!

Can you please check what HTML this is outputting?

<td class="dataField" width="30%"><textarea name="$varname" style="width: 90%;" id="mass_{$varname}"></textarea></td>

Tell me this for two fields: one that works, and one that has _c and doesn’t work.

So, for example, I tested for text field.
description which is a standard field is shown but my β€œtext_c” custom field is ignored. No HTML is produced.

<td class="dataField" width="30%"><input type="text" value="" name="description" style="width: 90%;" id="mass_description"></td>

From further tests I see that it can only works on the standard fields but ignores all the custom ones, both added with Builder and later with Studio.

The massive update of description works perfectly and it works for name (type) fields too.

Maybe you could try contacting the author of that tutorial? I’d love to have him around here, he’s written some really nice blog posts.


IΒ΄m having the same issue: custom fields are not being shown after following the same tutorial.
Have you found a solution?