Mass email from list view not working

Hi Guys :slight_smile:

Upon selecting multiple records from ‘Accounts’ and choosing ‘Email’ from ‘actionLinkTop’ or ‘actionLinkBottom’

the following appears in the Console:

Uncaught TypeError: sListView.send_form_for_emails is not a function
onclick @ index.php?module=Accounts&action=index:1235

Has anyone had anything similar? Any advice



I too have the same issue. Can any one please advice.



We are currently aware of this issue, but thanks for raising it !

The issue is logged on our github here:

I believe there is a fix proposed for this issue, but i believe it is still under review.
Also, as it is not part of the core product at the moment, it would also not be upgrade safe. (I.e, would have to be re-implemented each time you upgrade)

If you would like to try the fix out, the fix can be found here:

Hi John

Is there any updates on this issue?

I have tested the 7.7 RC and found it still exists

I believe the email client as a whole is being worked on for suit 8
Will this issue be awaiting until the new client is available?

Thanks again for all the help:)