Marketing Automation Software Integration

Hey all,

We are currently using SugarCRM Enterprise 8.0 and SalesFusion to handle our CRM and Marketing Automation needs. We are very interested in switching to SuiteCRM, but I need to know if there are any existing integrations for SuiteCRM SalesFusion. If not, please advise on some sort of replacement for SalesFusion.

On a separate, yet related note. We use Contivio for our Call Center Automation, but it’s terrible. It constantly drops calls. I saw the option to integrate Inbox25 in the SuiteCRM store. Does anybody have experience with this?



Hi, welcome.

I believe every available add-on can be found on the SuiteCRM Store. So whatever you find there, gives you an idea of what exists.

I don’t have experience with call integration modules, sorry. Maybe others can join the discussion and tell you something about this.

About Marketing automation, I would say Mautic is probably the way to go. Search these Forums, you will find threads about integrating Mautic with SuiteCRM.

If you want SalesAgility to give you a quote for professional services for the migration/integrations/customizations, tell me, and we’ll send you a direct email (through the email with which you registered in the forums). But if not, keep asking whatever you need here, and I’ll try to help. Well - at least, after I get back from vacations which start tomorrow :slight_smile:

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You can follow following Link to setup Mautic and SuiteCRM

Its Sugar CE but SuiteCRM was built on top of that so its same.

Also check the thread below which is very helpful related to Mautic => SuiteCRM

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Thanks to both of you for your help!

I have already contacted SalesAgility, so I hope to hear back from them soon.

As for Mautic, I’ve forwarded the links that you shared with me to our head of marketing.

I looked through Mautic’s website, and briefly explored the integration myself. It looked like a promising solution. I’ll share it with some of our sales and marketing people to get some feedback from them as well.

Also I forgot to mention it, but enjoy your vacation!

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I can confirm that Suite-Mautic integration “works” and is bidirectional as per Mautic 2.13.
I have conducted many tests and we are about to start using it in production.

However there are a number of small bugs that make it tricky to sync some specific field types (Mautic Points, Suite Booleans, Suite-Mautic Select fields and others)
Also some behaviours are now as expected.

Mautic 2.14 includes some improvements and fixes but I am not using it yet (was out of beta a week ago)

However the main issue with some field types didn’t make it to this release, hopefully it will be included and the integration will be far smoother after that.

Keep in mind that this integration can only sync Mautic contacts to Suite Leads. There is not yet any development (that I’m aware of) for integrating Suite Contacts.