map areas - global map


We have been looking at using the map areas module to assign users to accounts. However I can’t see how to get a global map showing how each individual map relates to one another. i.e to visually see if map area ‘a’ meets map area ‘b’.

I am hoping I have just missed something. Without been able to match up areas I can’t see how we can use this to assign users nationally.

Thanks for any feedback

I would advise checking out the developers site for more information/videos of how the maps modules work here.

Hi Will,

I tried contacting the developer via their website but I didn’t get a response. So I am assuming they are no longer operating.


there most recent post was feb 26th 2014, so they’re likely not still active.

Oddly, after some sleuthing, there most recent social media anywhere under the name and face of Jeff J Walters was 35 weeks ago. So they must either be very busy or a hermit.

My best guess is the latter.

ooh. actually, they’ve been favouriting things on Github in Jan 2016

so I don’t think they’re gone completely. Try and see if anything fruitful comes of it. Mention you already tried the contact form on there site.

Try using there email.

That works, here’s response by email:

We have been looking at using the map areas module to assign users to accounts. However I can’t see how to get a global map showing how each individual map relates to one another. i.e to visually see if map area ‘a’ meets map area ‘b’.

Concerning your question, it requires a plugin to be developed and installed. I’ve managed to write something similar in the past to assign leads by area, but at times it seemed problematic. The leads have to be geocoded “on-the-fly” which has it’s problems. I’d be willing to work with you on another version. See old version attached.

What is your programming background? What CRM product/version are you using?