Manual Upgrade process - placing upgrade zip in patch directory

I was having issue uploading so I remoted to my server and placed it in the

The update then complained it could not find a manifest file.
So I copied it out of the zip and put it in …\upload\upgrades\patch

I then was able to continue updating, however it seems like the to directory for php files was defaulted to c:\php which does not exist.

So the update files were never copied as the they all errored out.

  1. Is there a proper way to manually place update files on the server so that the upgrade process will work?

  2. I then copied the php files to my root and it seems to have upgraded fine.

I would think the upgrade process should not be able to continue if the the TO DIR does not exist as well.


I would like to know this too. I have been unsuccessful in uploading upgrade files even though I have modified the php.ini and the .htaccess to much larger default sizes.

Can anyone help please?

display_errors = Off
max_execution_time = 200
max_input_time = 200
max_input_vars = 1000
memory_limit = 256M
post_max_size = 60M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.save_path = “/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php72”
upload_max_filesize = 60M
zlib.output_compression = Off