Malware detected asmallorange - Softaculous instalation


I have installed Suitecrm 7.2.3 with Softaculous one click installation on my asmallorange hosting. However, one day later I got email from asmallorange that malware was detected and some files quarantined. It seems files were not changed after instalation. Here is part of the message:

"We wanted to let you know that malware was found on your site and will need for you to reply back with the actions taken in resolving this issue within the next 24 hours to prevent any account down time… The file in question was cleaned and returned to its original state. If the malware infection was unable to be cleaned, we quarantined it to prevent further issues instead.

The report of what was done is cut and pasted below:

{CAV}Php.Malware.Mailbot-1 : /public_html/predmeti/modules/SugarFeed/ajax.php => /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/ajax.php.30608
{CAV}Php.Malware.Mailbot-1 : /public_html/predmeti/cache/modules/Accounts/functions.php => /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/functions.php.5726

Also after a follow up asmallorange instructed me to contact you:
"The files that were detected have the code completely obscured which is a strong indicator that the code may be malicious in nature as most developers don’t use this method to secure the scripts.

You can inquire with the developer to determine if this is something that was done from their end or not. If the code is confirmed clean by the developers we can restore the files and whitelist them to prevent further detection."

Any thoughts?

I emailed you about this but you didn’t get back to me. Can you respond if it’s still an issue?

I could not get files back from my host. I reinstalled again using Softaculous and havn’t had those kind of issues again.