Making a field update after a response from Email?


Wondering how I’d go about doing this process:

  1. When Date of Deadline is LessThan OR EqualTo 7 days THEN Create a Task on Account (know how to do)

  2. THEN send Email from template (know how to do)
    [li]In the e-mail have some way for the client to respond that updates a [Second Reminder?] Boolean field in the data (not sure how to do)[/li]1. If email reminder sent GreaterThan 7 days and [Second Reminder?] = 0 then send a email reminder to assigned user to contact account directly. (know how to do)

     Really, the key pay part I'm not sure of is how to update a field from an email.  

My best guess is to have a link to a webleads module form in the email that can update the data?
Or is there a better way?

It seems to me that the concept you’re looking for is very similar to the “Tracker URL’s” in Campaigns. This is a way for the user to click, signaling some information to you, that will find its way into your database - then you can take it from there with Workflows or custom code.

But this is not something I have experience in using.

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Thanks for the response, I’ll look into it a bit more, hopefully someone pops along that knows.


I am also wrestling with similar issue at

@mminnie, is attempting to help me out with some solution.

With thanks,


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I agree with @pgr. You will want to create a link to put in the email. The link should contain all of the necessary information to update the second reminder.

Something such as:

Then you need to create a custom entry point in your SuiteCRM instance to handle the response and update the necessary records.

Just Google “custom entry points suitecrm” to find out how to structure the files. You will want an entry point that does NOT need authorization.

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Thank you @mminnie.

btw, would a Url shortener for that break it?

No, a URL shortener wouldn’t break it because it’s an external service. You give your user a short URL generated at some URL shortening service, the user enters it, your browser calls into their server, and gets redirected to your SuiteCRM server with the expanded URL. So, when SuiteCRM sees it, it’s exactly the same as the long URL. It never even knows about the short URL.