Make the mozaik editor expandable

The Alpha preview release is looking really good! Please consider making the Mozaik newsletter template editor expandable – the short height of the editor’s container currently makes it difficult to see your whole template while you’re working on it and it seems like there should be a straightforward way to make the editor resizeable.

Is that on the Emails module, Compose Window, or on the Email Templates module? Or somewhere else?

@pgr - Sorry for the late reply to this. The module is called “EmailTemplates” - when you create an email template in Suite, it uses the mozaik email template editor. The div container for the editor forces you to have to scroll a lot to see the entire template that you create and there is no option to expand the vertical height of that div to make the template editor large enough to see more of the template you’re creating:

Sorry, I had a go at this but couldn’t find any straight-forward way to do it. Mozaik is not my cup of tea.

I am currently working on templates screens for this SponsorWare add-on, and one of the first things I did was to make the editor expandable. But I am working mostly form the direct HTML editor, not Mozaik or TinyMCE. Ironically I achieve a lot better looking HTML emails from there.

Thanks for poking around and trying! I’m not super experienced with angular but I’m guessing it would involve some javascript and this was mainly a suggestion for the UI team. It doesn’t really have anything to do with mozaik itself (it’s been implemented in other apps without that issue) – it was a choice at some point by the suite team (way back) to implement it at that short height and I just find it difficult to use like that. The easiest solution would just be to set the vertical height larger, but some kind of javascript powered ability to click&drag the bottom edge to resize it would be nice. The former would suffice, though.

Thanks again. Looking forward to checking out Alpha III!


Try this dirty non-upgrade safe hack…

Replace this block


	#subjectfield { height: 27px; }
	#email_template_editor { resize: both; }
	ul.mozaik-thumbs { height: 100%; }
	ul.mozaik-list { height: 100% !important; }