Make custom fields clickable in search result list

We added some custom fields to the Accounts module that are being displayed in the result list view when using the Global Search.
Unfortunately those custom fields are not clickable, so we cannot access any of the records.
We already edited




which made the fields clickable in the default list view.

Which file do we have to modify to make the custom fields clickable in search list view?

Read this Forum post:

Thanks for your reply, but looking at the post and the linked documentation I’d say that we’ve done exactly what is described there.

If you add:

    'link' => true,

to the required field in the file (under your module) in metadata/popupdefs.php

it will work.

In case the file is not in the custom folder then make a copy of the original.

This seems to be working when we set “Search Engine” to “Basic Search” or “Basic + Advanced Search”, but when we’re switching over to “Elasticsearch Engine” the result’s fields are not clickable.

How do you get to that search form in your screenshot - I can’t find it :huh:

The search form in my screenshot is a pop-up search form for Accounts.

I opened it by:
. create new contact
. clicked on the leftupward little arrow next to Account in the Edit View of Contact.

If this is not the view that you are looking to personalise please specify how you get to the view you are trying to get this working so that we can try to figure it out.

Please note that Elasticsearch is not a standard module of SugarCRM so, depending on how it was implemented, it may be that it has different search form formatting.

Ok, so I’ve found the search form that you are talking about.
Everything works fine there after editing




What I’m talking about is the Global Search (with “Elasticsearch Engine” enabled in the “Search Settings”) in the upper right corner:

After submitting the Global Search form I land on this view:

The server path is
