Make Assigned to field value blank by default while creating new record


SuiteCRM version : 7.11.3

As you all know, SuiteCRM fill-ups current user as a assigned user by default. How can I make it blank by default while creating new record and Quick create from sub-panel? I want to make it blank for all modules of the CRM.

I can do it for single module via making changes in custom/modules//views/view/view.edit.php but I want to make it globally without making changes in all the modules.

Any thoughts?


Sound complicated.

Check this post for some ideas:

(Haven’t tested my self. Just trying to help!)



All you need to use this plugin

Then create 4 records for removing your assigned user field completely from interface.

I have tested it, it is working as expected without any issues.

Thanks for the suggestion. @AlxGr

I don’t think it will work for me because I want to make this field blank by default but if the user selects assigned to user then it shouldn’t go blank.

Thanks again.

[quote=“” post=88724]All you need to use this plugin

Then create 4 records for removing your assigned user field completely from interface.

I will check it and let you know.