Main body of page missing CSS for LDAP user

Hi. So recently upgraded SuiteCRM to version 8.3 to version 7.13, and got it working with the local admin user, and then went off to sort out the new LDAP config. Having done that I still could not log in, so I cleared the cache as suggested in various places using the console. That allowed me to log in with my LDAP user name and password, but all the CSS for the main part of the page is missing. It all seems to work fine as a local user, and it isn’t the browser as I have tried with a guest profile. I have also checked file permissions and that all seems fine, and also, I assume if it were file permissions it would not work for anyone. Very confused. Any suggestions appreciated.

A little bit more info. When I compare the html for both the working local user and the non-working LDAP user, I can see differences. It looks like there are different CSS inheritances inside the iFrame that shows the main content.

And I have just noticed, that in the interface for the LDAP user, I seem to have a “Reset Password” button on every page.

Given up of SuiteCRM 8 and have rolled back to my last v7 backup.