lot of custom field missing in union

Hi to all, there is a way to show custom field in the union? i’ve added a lot of custom field in my Account, but when i try use the union in 2 accounts, a lot of my custom field missing. Why? what i’m doing wrong?

I really don’t understand your question, sorry. Maybe you can just post your SQL (if that’s what you mean by “union”)?

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Sorry, wrong world. i don’t mean union by sql, but the merge action in 2 account.

I can’t find my custom field here

See this


make sure you follow the instructions for SugarCRM 6.5 Community edition, not the other ones.

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followed this part:



Go to custom/Extension/modules/Leads/Ext/Vardefs/

Here you can see custom fields created in Leads module. If you want to add in find duplicates means, add this line in the custom field folder.

for eg.

my custom field is custom_c, so inside sugarfield_custom_c.php, add this line:




The overall file is





After give Quick Repair and Rebuild.

added in custom/extension/modules/accounts/ext/vardef/sugarfield_area_interesse_c.php :


Launched quick and repair. Tried to merge 2 account, nothing shows. the same fields like before.

Here’s another example using specifically the Accounts module:


When you say

what you probably really did was

I changed four uppercase letters and added an “s” in Vardefs. Please confirm.

Was that file already there, and you added a line? Or was it not there?

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[quote=“pgr” post=62446]Here’s another example using specifically the Accounts module:


When you say

what you probably really did was

yea sorry just mispelled. And yep there was already there

After Quick Repair and Rebuild, does you change appear in the consolidated file?

It should be


I think

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nope, doesn’t change nothig. but seems i can alter this info by the studio, so, it will take long time, but i can at last put in merge. thanks to all