Lost part of display info

I noticed today that I lost part of the display information when I look at an account, contact, lead or other.

AllI see is:

More information

All other fields are gone.

I know that the data is there (or I think it is) , bacsue U even archived a copy of an email to the CRM and it saved it.

I tried rebuidling the databases. NO fix.

I upgraded the CRM abotu 3-4 days ago, and it all seemed to be working fine.

Today, it is not displaying al the the history of the lead/contact/account/etc…

Thanks for ideas.


I had same issue. I had to do complete new reinstall and everything is working ok but am concerned that if it happens again would be a killer.

Hello Drive vertical,

Did you find al your “missing” data intact?

I have a small install, and only 2 people enter data.

We only have 1 week missing since last back up.

When once reinstalls, what does one have to do?

Make a new database
Reinstall the same version of SuiteCRM

At that point, how do you get the database over there? Just simply replace the new DB with the DB from my courrent not working well system?
How do I get users from one system to the other?



I did complete reinstall and import data. You can do a install and connect current db.


I might try a new install, and than connecting DB.

I presume that I switch the DB name in the config.php file to point to my old/original DB.
How do I deal with the users in SuiteCRM? I need to get them from the old install, into the new one.

I just realized, I have modified different menus with in SuiteCRM. How do I get those changes over?

