Looking for the right solution

I’m a sales guy with a specialized manufacture that supports, markets and sells products for a small business. I’ve been given the green light by my boss to begin working with a CRM type tool. Also I’m on a apple platform with OSX and a iPad & iPhone. What I’m looking to do is build and track slakes opportunities working with a cdm that works with ical, mac mail. Will SuiteCRM work for me or will it be to complex for my situation?

Hi there,

SuiteCRM should suit your needs. SuiteCRM has iCal integration but there is a bug with this feature which is going to be resolved in SugarCRM CE 6.5.17(SuiteCRM is currently based on the latest version of SugarCRM CE - 6.5.16, and will be upgraded when Sugar release the bugfix). There may be other mail integrations out there that allow you to integrate Mac Mail with SuiteCRM.



Can you help me find a link that I can download suitCRM to install on my mac and how I do a setup with mac mobile devices. Also all the data I build with suitCRM is store locally on my computer and devices NOT in the cloud right?

Hi there,

Navigate to the Downloads section where you will find the latest version of SuiteCRM.

To install on Mac, you should be able to install without any issues but remember to set permissions on your SuiteCRM directory which will be the same/similar to the following:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Finally, yes you are correct that all SuiteCRM files are stored locally and not on the Cloud, hoorah!



Ok your speaking another language to me… I’m a sales guy with average computer skills. I’ve downloaded the SuiteCRM7.0.2 unzipped and have a folder with tons of stuff inside is there an installer for my mac in here or is it somewhere else. No about these permissions where do I go in to set them? I image it’s after the application is installed. Can you give me some instruction on how to do this?

Thanks for your help


Hi there,

Do you have MAMP? You should be able to set the permissions(after you unzip your SuiteCRM folder) in the terminal. To do this, see this link.



I have installed suiteCRM on my mac mini maveric (server)
First tried the mamp but this was not so good to understand for an noob like me.
I downloaded OSX server 3, mysql and phpadmin, andspend a night figuring it al out.
And got it to work properly.

By doing the install seperatly not mamp, it was easyer to understand what goes where. And what it does.
Also a big help was al small software called Batchmod.
This helped me to understand the permissions stuff.

Now its running fine and much better then the faststack sugarcrm i previously installed.