I’ve recently updated from v.6.4.1 to v.7.10.9 (on a system that originated as SuiteCRM CE 6.1.x (if I remember correctly)
I’m finding that most issues I encounter after the upgrade are due to files in the /custom folder, some of which haven’t been changed in 4+ years.
Finding the right files to remove seems to be a question of simple narrowing down the folder hierarchy since suitecrm.log doesn’t help here.
I’m thinking some of you SuiteCRM experts out there must have some experience with this kind of thing and have developed a best-practice workflow?
Instead of just picking out individual files in the custom folder that are causing obvious individual issues here and there, should I be removing whole subfolders from the /custom folder by default, because we know that things have changed too much and are bound to cause issues?
And then re-integrating those custom changes that I really need?
any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.