Logout Issue - XHR 500

Hello All,

When I logout the XHR call in network tab gives 500 internal server error. When I checked the detailed error was due to SAML mentioned below.

** 1. class: “OneLogin\Saml2\Error”**
** 2. detail: “Invalid array settings: sp_acs_url_invalid, sp_sls_url_invalid, idp_sso_url_invalid, idp_slo_url_invalid, idp_cert_or_fingerprint_not_found_and_required”**
** 3. status: 500**
** 4. title: “An error occurred”**
** 5. trace: [{namespace: “”, short_class: “”, class: “”, type: “”, function: “”,…},…]**

I’m quite confuse why it’s actually going into SAML configuration even when I didn’t configured anything related to it. I’ve already checked config.php & config_override, .env & .env.local there is no such SAML config there.

SuiteCRM Version: 8.3.0
PHP Version: 8.0.13

Please help & advise.

Does the same bug happen, on the online demo (user will pass will), as on your 8.3.0, with the same exact steps to reproduce it? Please try, and report back you results.