Login whti 'remember me' on browser issue

Hello Team, I changed te password to one SuiteCRM user, then asked the guy to check the new credentials but he was able to enter the CRM skipping the user/password request as he flagged the 'remember me ’ option on his browser ( he did it before I changed his passwd so at least I was expecting this not to work). V 7.2.2 . MacOs browser Safari

ANy known issue about this? Do you need more details to investigate?



Can’t replicate it.

Please provide a detailed step-by-step and some screen shots.



Will, I suggested the guy to clear the browser cache, this no longer happened and after that trying to replicate did not work his side either…

Cannot really tell what happened, I am testing more and more while migrating to another server so if this happens again I will immediately collect myself details and post

Thx and regs
