I upgraded from SuiteCRM 8.1.2 to 8.2.3, the upgrade completed without any errors but now I cannot login from the default SuiteCRM 8 login form. I am still able to login from the legacy login form though.
It returns 500 Internal Server Error with message “Login credentials incorrect, please try again later.”
Steps that I had taken to upgrade:
- Followed the docs to upgrade to v8.2.3, went well.
- Rebuilt node_modules folder with the following command
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- Rebuilt common, core and shell.
- Added an extension by following the official documentation.
- Cleared cache and built common, core, shell and extension.
- Added the custom theme folder in core/app/shell/src/themes and rebuilt shell.
It is worth mentioning that I was able to upgrade to v8.2.3 and login earlier, but I had forgotten to pull some changes from GitHub and so had to redo the upgrade. I had luckily not deleted that instance, so I do have a way to login into my current instance by logging into the previous one (both connect to the same DB) and setting the browser cookies.
Any help would be appreciated.