Login issue after upgrading from Version 8.7.1 to 8.8.0

After upgrading to 8.8 version from 8.7.1 I am not able to login into the crm…
It only says: login credentials incorrect.
I tried changing the password via the database, by submitting a SQL query, by restoring the database from an earlier backup, etc.
Here my login error page: Screenshot-2025-02-03-195308 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

I had a similar issue on our instance after the upgrade.

In my case it turned out that a previous database migration which added the TOTP fields to the user table (SuiteCRM-Core/core/backend/Migrations/Version20241001074858.php at 9df984eccd7c0beebcd089a3c16b469fd089cf88 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub) had failed.
If this is also the case on your end you should find messages about missing column totp_secret in one of the logs.

I tried to manually add the three new columns but got an error about the row size being too large. So I first had to change the row format to “Dynamic” for the user table and finally was able to add the three new columns.

After that, I was able to log in successfully again.

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Thanks, I tryed but it is not my case…

I upgraded 7 to 8.6.1 to 8.8.0: Login credentials incorrect.

  • tail -f public/legacy/suitecrm.log i found totp_secret is missing in table users;
  • ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN totp_secret VARCHAR(255) NULL;
  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate
  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Login works!