Login API - Not working with Postman

I’m trying to use the APIs (V4_1 from Sugar documentation),

But I’m developing my code in Node.JS (Javascript)

I’ve been trying to get the login api to work, but it fails all the time

This is my input:

 	"name_value_list": {

I’m using Postman to test



as you are sending password as plain text, you need send encryption as plain too.

$user_auth['encryption'] = 'PLAIN'

I’ve tested with both plain text with this encrypted option and with MD5 sum

and still not works

The code below is for the live demo of suiteCRM

URL: http://demo.suiteondemand.com/service/v4_1/rest.php?method=login

 	"name_value_list": {

This is what i get, from my server and from demo server as well

500 Internal Server Error

10: Invalid Login

Login attempt failed please check the username and password


Try below


 	"name_value_list": {
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