Logic Hook help or development Schedule of SuiteCRM calculation filed

Hi, All
I want a last contacted filed for my lead and contact module. This field will calculate days of the lasted contact date from now. My option-

1 new logic hook maybe works for it, but I don’t have PHP program experience. How can I move on from the from scratch? Just Google some stuff, it confuse me.

2 calculation filed, is there any development schedule for this?

Thks for the help


If you want the number of days to be stored in the database you may also consider creating a cron job that runs once a day at around midnight and processes all your records.

Alternatively you may also consider inserting some javascript in the display templates. (this will work only for the records you are displaying, editing or listing).

If you use a logic hook you may update the database value of the records you are viewing or editing but not of all your records in the database.

Possibly you may also consider a workflow, but I am not sure if it is feasible with this method.

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i haven’t try but

Or other alternative is you can use after_login hook to achieve this !

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let me try this first.https://suitecrm.com/media/kunena/emoticons/tongue.png

let me try this first, thank you!